I. Credit
- Ersh
II. Chapter
00:00 Intro
Greetings, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of using the same old animations in Skyrim? Do you long for a more immersive and dynamic experience? Well, you're in luck! Welcome to our channel, where we delve into the world of modding and bring you the most cutting-edge enhancements for your Skyrim journey.
In today's episode, we are thrilled to introduce you to the game-changing Open Animation Replacer mod. This incredible mod offers a plethora of settings and features that will revolutionize the way you experience animations in Skyrim.
00:36 In-game Interface
Once Open Animation Replacer is pressed 'Insert' key in-game, the interface appears. Then you can check conditional animations in real time through this interface. This is the first great reason for this mod. Because conditional animations are really complicated because the more you add them, the more number folders there are. As you add these animations, it becomes really difficult to manage them. But since Open Animation Replacer provides a real-time interface, it makes it much easier for you to manage all those conditional animations.
01:13 Async Parsing
Another of the standout features is "Async Parsing." By enabling this setting, you can enjoy the benefit of asynchronously parsing all the replacer mods during the game's load time. The result? A dramatic improvement in performance and faster loading times. Trust me, once you experience the seamless loading, you'll never want to go back.
01:33 Animation Queue Progress Bar
Now, let's talk about the "Animation Queue Progress Bar." Enabling this setting adds a sleek progress bar that keeps you informed as the animations load. Gone are the days of wondering when the animations will be ready. With this handy feature, you can monitor the progress and dive into the action as soon as everything is in place.
01:51 Animation Log
Next up, we have the Animation Log setting. Enabling this option logs all animation clips into a file, offering valuable insights and detailed information about the animation process. It's a fantastic tool for modders and enthusiasts to explore the inner workings of their favorite animations
The interface allows you to set the maximum number of entries and choose between log modes: 'when replaced', with 'potential replacements', or 'all'. Additionally, you can opt to create a log file that will be saved in the My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/SKSE folder.
02:25 Disable Preloading
Now, let's talk aboutthe "Disable Preloading" option. If your animations are loading quickly enough when launching Skyrim for the first time, you can choose to disable preloading. This means that Open Animation Replacer won't preload the animations during the initial load, resulting in a faster loading speed. As a result, the yellow bar at the top right of the first loading screen won't be visible. However, if you're experiencing slow animation loading when entering the Skyrim world for the first time, you can enable "Disable Preloading" to load the animations from the initial loading screen.
02:58 Real-time animation on/off
Next up, let's delve into the remarkable real-time animation file on/off function of the Open Animation Replacer mod, which truly sets it apart. This powerful feature grants you complete control over the animations you want to use in your game, ensuring a tailored and immersive experience. Upon installation, the animation file is enabled by default. However, the mod's interface provides the flexibility to disable specific animations with a simple uncheck.
This feature is the backbone of the Open Animation Replacer mod, offering a solution to occasional issues where dynamic animations may become duplicated, resulting in improper display. As you install more animations, these discrepancies can become more pronounced. But fear not, with the real-time animation file toggle, you can easily identify and address any animation that is not rendering properly by disabling the ones with the highest priority. But it doesn't stop there. This mod goes above and beyond by allowing you to disable individual animation elements of conditions. This level of customization ensures that you have full control over the animation aspects of your game.
04:10 Conclusion & Practical Use
05:18 Outro
III. Source ( early access )
1. Open Animation Replacer
- https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92109
2. Math Plugin
- https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92607
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