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ARJARIM Smoothcam TDM Remake Preset

by ARJARIM 2023. 11. 8.




Introducing the Smoothcam TDM Remake, a unique preset that offers a fixed camera perspective, allowing for unrestricted character movement. Say goodbye to motion sickness during extended gameplay sessions. With the added convenience of customizable hotkeys, you can effortlessly adjust the camera's field of view. Explore diverse environments with ease, from open fields to cluttered dungeons. This preset provides a balanced view, ensuring an immersive experience.


II. Requirement

1. Smoothcam

- https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41252


III. Installation

- To use the preset, you'll need the Smoothcam Mod. Download the attached preset file from the provided link and install it. The preset number is 4 & 5. Once you're in Skyrim, navigate to the MCM (Mod Configuration Menu) and load preset number 4 & 5 to activate the TDM REMAKE Preset. However, please ensure that you have the Smoothcam file overwritten with the preset file. If there's an existing file, make sure to delete it before installation.


IV. Link

- https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-arjarim-92491460


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