This mod standardises Leveled Item lists and fixes bugs/inconsistencies to enable easier injections of items.
Comes with a configuration holotape and optional MCM.
Vanilla leveled item lists can be quite finicky sometimes.
And when some mod authors inject their items in certain LVLI, expecting them to work in a certain way while they actually work different than expected, then that can result in a mess.
And since scripted injections can't be easily reverted that can be problematic.
This mod tries to simplify that process and giving both mod authors and users more control over the process.
I. Standardised Leveled Item lists:
1. Most LVLI make use of the "Calculate from all levels <= player's level" flag so that loot gets randomised instead of some injections resulting in containers/NPCs always having just a specific/certain item and carbon copies running around in the Commonwealth.
2. LVLI flagged as "UseAll" remain "UseAll" but come with sub-lists where you can inject your items into without filling up the container's/NPC's inventory with hundreds of armour pieces, weapons, ammo types, consumables, etc.
3. All eligible LVLI come with a Epic Chance value. This usually determines how likely you'll get an item with randomised parts instead of just the default fixed ones. Those chances can be configured via LIF's holotape and optional MCM.
4. Cleaned up some LVLI, especially those that had the same items/sub-lists referenced multiple times. That only resulted in the other featured items appearing less often and was mostly seen with Pipe Weapons. Now you should find less Pipe Weapons after a certain level and instead more higher quality gear but that also means enemies got slightly more difficult.
5. All LVLI fixes from the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch are included / got forwarded.
6. A couple of additional fixes.
II. New items added
1. DLC equipment was added to the base game LVLI so that you can find the DLC weapons (Lever-Action Rifle, Harpoon Gun, Western Revolver, Handmade Rifle and some melee weapons) incl. ammo and armour (only Marine Armor for now) while wandering the Commonwealth. This will soon be replaced by a dynamic implementation.
2. Some DLC LVLI got base game and the other DLC items/sub-lists added so that they come with a little more variety as well.
3. Some factions have access to slightly more high-level base game items because I feel like they are extremely inadequately represented on those higher levels. Faction-specific gear remains in those factions.
III. Configuration
1. The holotape can be crafted on any Chem Station under the "Leveled Item Framework" category.
2. It allows to tweak various Epic item chances. For an explanation on what this does read the paragraph above or the descriptions in the holotape.
3. There is a debug option that allows the user to revert some improperly injected forms.
4. There's also an optional MCM that becomes available once you install Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) and Mod Configuration Menu. It sports the same options as the holotape but is easier and faster to control.
I. Credit
- Dank Rafft
II. Contents
00:00 Description
00:46 Standardised Leveled Item lists
02:04 New items added
02:45 Configuration
03:20 Outro
III. Source & Reference