반응형 SKYRIM MOD/ENVIRONMENT I ETC218 Smoothcam Preset For True Directional Movement For this video, decided to release the Smooth Cam preset together while shooting the recently released TDM, True Directional Movement video. This preset set the allowable range of movement in the center, and it was made to make the most of the character's solder view point of view when attacking arrows. The point of view of the video is slightly skewed to the left, but when applied in practice, .. 2021. 8. 4. [SKYRIM REPLACER] Draugr Replacer Like Hive Enemy 스카이림의 드로거 몬스터를 동영상과 같이 변경해주는 모드입니다. 해당 영상에 리플레이서 링크가 있으니 시청해주시면 감사하겠습니다. :D 2021. 7. 6. 이전 1 ··· 52 53 54 55 다음 반응형